Belmont Financial works with you to create and implement an investment plan designed to build long term wealth for you and your family.

Our aim is to help you "Get Rich Slowly" and then stay that way.

We assist you on your investment path by creating and implementing an investment plan for you. Over the years to come, we then regularly review your situation to keep the plan on track towards achieving your goals.

Your investment plan is based on:

  • Your current and expected future cash flows. This is crucial to any investment plan. To be able to "stay the course", you need to have sufficient funds to keep your investments in place, supplement them where necessary as well meet your other cash needs, ie. living expenses.
  • Your investment attitudes. Your investment plan must allow you to sleep at night.
  • Your investment timeframe. This influences asset class selection.
  • Finally and most importantly, your long term goals. This determines your "need to invest".

Along with the actual investments themselves, your investment plan will include:

We provide investment advice on a strict fee for service basis. This ensures that our recommendations are based on your needs, free of any conflict of interest. The fees that we charge are absolutely transparent and agreed with you in advance.